Today driving to feed the strays, ahead I noticed something small run across the road. Whatever it was had little legs, so I knew it wasn't a large rat. We drove a little further and stopped where I thought I saw this 'thing'. I heard a ME-OW, so food was put down at the side of the road. Out came this tiny little kitten. But a little further up another white kitten came out. Neither got a chance to eat the food, as it was a case of grab, hold tight, into the car and away we go. The white one could not be held, so it hide somewhere in the car. The tabby coloured one was OK. Took to safety and they will be kept in a cage for a couple of days, until they settle. However, considering this was their first day, Lucy (dog) approves of these two new arrivals. HOMES WANTED. Can you help to rehome?
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